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  • Roberto Aceski

3 Letters That Will Change The Way You Do Marketing

Updated: Sep 2

Remember when you scraped your knee as a kid? And the first thing your mother would do Is put a band-aid on it.

That’s how the word “band-aid” became a synonym for an adhesive bandage. 

That’s how good of a marketing the company “Band-Aid" has done.

Yes, there is a company by that name that produces adhesive bandages. And they have achieved something called top-of-mind awareness. 

Same thing happens when you think about a search engine or a soft drink.

What companies popped into your head? Exactly.

By the end of this article, you will know how to make every potential customer in your area think about your product/service and achieve top-of-mind awareness.

3 Letters And A Lot Of Results.

There are an unlimited number of customers around you. 

And all of them share one common thing. 

They have a problem that needs to be fixed

Or they have a want. 

And they are happy to buy whatever product or service helps them. And that can be you

But they have no idea who you are.

Even if you offer the best service in the world, if the right customers have no idea about it then no one else would care. 

How we get around this is by using a Call-To-Action.

Which is by far the best way to achieve top-of-mind awareness.

It attracts customers who want to buy right now and ones who want to think about it, and they will think about YOU when they eventually want to buy. 

How and when to use a call-to-action?

Imagine you are selling lemonade on a hot summer day. 

How would you attract more customers?

You can build a bigger sign, get a megaphone to yell louder, or simply tell everyone your parents, friends, and everyone you know.

If you are motivated you may do all of them.

But by simply adding a CTA you x5 everything.

Include a call-to-action in your ads so prospects are going to have something to look forward to when clicking on the ad.

That makes them more familiar with you and your business thus increasing the chances they buy.

If they don’t buy right away just by knowing that you exist they will subconsciously think about you when they need your product/service.

So let’s start including a CTA in your marketing, like a cherry on top it’s easy to do but can make a huge difference.

P.S. If you want me to take a look at your marketing and see where we can include a CTA you can contact me here.


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