Most advertising today is there to lose money. Researching it only gives you headaches and gets you nowhere. Now If you understand this one simple trick you will be able to transform your ads to cut through everything and sit directly on your client's lap.
Want your ads to stop burning money, get more attention, and bring you more clients?
By the end of this article, you will understand completely how to apply this trick to your ads and make them work for you.
The first time I made an ad was 10 years ago. It was for my parents' local business.
I convinced them to start running ads on Facebook.
Because that’s what the other popular kids were doing.
Now if you asked me what I was planning for the ad I would have laughed at you and said “For people to see it”. Looking back at it now, I was set up for disaster.
You can imagine that the ad didn’t do anything but burn all the money that I had. Like a roaring fire in the middle of winter.
It ate up all the money but gave no warmth in return.
You can imagine that my parents were not happy with the marketing skills that I showed.
So How Can You Make Sure You Don’t Burn Your Money?
I want to know that as well. I started looking at what other competitors were doing, not just competitors I looked at everyone that was running ads.
And I noticed something. Same as me, most of them had no idea what they were doing, every 2nd or 3rd ad was a bunch of words that looked like a sentence. They were ads but there was no purpose to them.
They just existed... Floating there doing nothing.
Something was wrong but I didn't know exactly what. Not until I looked closer at the copy.
Quick Way to Fix Any Ad.
Most ads use two or more of the following:
- Complicated language to sound smart.
- Vague to no information about what they sell.
- They prioritize “brand awareness”.
- Weak or non-existent offer.
After some time I understood that the one major thing you can do to instantly improve your ads is to use simple words that are easy to read.
Most people don’t want to struggle to read anything, so if you make it hard for them they would just skip you.
By using simple words not only do you reach more people, you get them to actively engage in the ad. Provide value quickly and give them an easy way to contact you.
Understanding this can make a big difference in your ads burning money or creating money.
Now you can choose to take time to learn and implement this yourself or work with us and we can do it for you. If you want to know what we can do click here.