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Two Easy Ways to Get The Attention of Your Ideal Client.

Roberto Aceski

Updated: Jun 5, 2024

In an ideal world, getting your ideal client's attention is as easy as calling their name. Since we don’t live in a perfect world, we need to get somewhat creative with getting attention.

We have found 2 ways that if you understand them, you will be able to snap your fingers and appear in front of your clients.

Sounds interesting?

Keep reading, by the end of this article you will know exactly how.

Attention and interest go hand in hand. To get interest you need attention and to get attention you need people to want to see what you are talking about.

So how do you get attention?

Try the old-fashioned way by yelling out loud and see who answers, but most of the time like a homeless guy in the train station you will get ignored. 

Sure someone may call back but there is no guarantee he will be the right choice for you. 

The same is true with the headlines for your ads. Don't go for everyone.

But if change it up and think about what our clients want to read, that makes our job a little bit easier, we know who we need to sell to. 

A big mistake that made in thinking that if you sell to everyone you have a bigger audience. 

That’s not the case anymore, when someone is making a decision they do it in a split second. That would be the best time to get their attention.  

Taking Advantage of That Split Second

We try to put ourselves in the shoes of our ideal customer the best we can.

Start thinking about everything they would think about. This helps when we know who we are selling to.

That's why we have to understand who our customer is. 

- What they do.

- How they think.

- What their biggest problems are.

- How they make decisions.

Understanding our ideal customers is key to getting them interested.

And by understanding their problems we can provide a cure that will guarantee their attention.

We want to find out what they want to see, what peaks their interest so much they would stop to see what we have to say.

When we write headlines knowing this, it’s going to be easy to call out their problem at the start and give them the solution later on. 

The best way to do this is to tailor-make your solutions to fit your ideal customer. 

Only then you will win their attention in that split second. 

If this sounds easy then we can make it even easier.

Contact us today and we will take a look at your marketing plan for free and see what we can do for you.

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