A couple of years ago I convinced my parents to run an ad for their local clothing business.
They said I should do it.
I ran 0 ads before and had no idea what I was getting into.
To my surprise, the ad was successful and did what it was supposed to.
Bring more customers.
The thought of being a marketing genius ran through my mind momentarily.
What happened next was the reason that thought disappeared and never came back.
The Worst Number To Have In Business
What I did is something most businesses fall prey to often.
My focus was only on that ONE ad that saw some success.
I was in for a huge surprise when I woke up one day and the entire Facebook page was blocked.
It was deleted from the face of the planet—Smitten by the gods.
Why? I found out because someone flagged it for misleading.
How can pictures of clothing be misleading?
Well, they can if you don’t have them in stock but advertise that you do.
Funny how that works, 1 person can crumble everything you have worked for.
And that person was me.
I tried reaching out to support, but if you are not spending the GDP of a small country, no living person will talk to you.
Endless tickets were sent and I discovered the reason why It was blocked.
That was the day I found out that relying on ONE source whether it be an ad, person, or big client is a recipe for disaster.
What Happens When The Stream Of Water Dries Up
When the successful “ONE” gets taken away you’re left with the remains to start over.
If your entire business relies on 1 big client or one successful ad.
What happens when that one big thing gets taken away?
I’ll tell you what happened to me, I started everything over again.
Brand new Facebook profile, a new page, new everything.
But I changed one thing.
Start Looking Where “Ones” Can Appear.
Make a habit of looking at your business and seeing where “ones” can appear.
Sooner or later something will happen to that “one”. And cracks will follow if left unintended, weakening the structure of your business.
That’s how business works, if it CAN go wrong It WILL go wrong.
We fix this when one area becomes successful and start diverging into multiple areas as soon as possible.
This is exactly how I fixed the issue before.
Another one eventually became successful and I started branching off.
To Instagram.
To Google
To YouTubeTo TikTok
Even considered radio at one point.
You get the idea.
This is the only way to become immune to the chaos of business.
Find out what is working and make it work everywhere.
P.S. If you want me to take a look at your business and see where “ones” can appear. You can do that by filling out this form here.