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Writing That Keeps The Reader’s Attention.

Roberto Aceski

I remember when I was in school they gave us books written by the teachers to study from. You would think that since they’ve written an entire book they should at least have an idea of how to keep your attention.

Sadly, the number of times I fell asleep while “studying” should tell you everything you need to know.

Keeping the readers is the most important part of writing, if you mess it up everything you’ve written goes down the drain.

Imagine writing a 150-page book and nobody even reads the first 10, all that work for nothing.

Why Readers Are Glued To Some Content

The biggest sin you can make when writing is being BORING. 

Nobody likes being bored and nobody likes reading boring sh*t. Now, since it’s your work you won’t think it’s boring.

Everyone likes their own stuff, and that’s exactly the problem, they like it too much to even consider that other people might find it boring.

If you are not aware of the problem you can fix it. 

So the first thing you should do after you’ve written something is read it out loud multiple times. 

Then ask yourself is that something you would say to a person in real life?

Does it sound like a person talking to another person?

Because people like speaking with other people, if you write like a 15th-century monk in a monastery you’ll have trouble getting people to stay. 


People like it when you get to the point quicker and tell them exactly what they came to hear, remove all the steroids and fancy words, and get to the core of your message.

It makes you stand out from a crowd filled with boring and cliche writing. Strip down your message to its core and present it in a way where anyone can understand it.

Simple Ways To Make Readers Addicted To Your Content

We’ve covered the main parts but there is still room for improvement. Let’s take a look at a couple of other ways you can improve your writing. 

  1. Using an Active Voice- Using an active voice gives your writing a flavor of action. It’s clear and direct to the point which goes together with the previous point.

Examples of using an active voice:

  • Active: Please remove your shoes before entering my house.

  • Passive: Shoes should be removed before entering my house.

  • Active: Lock the door!

  • Passive: Let the door be locked!

  1. Use Shorter Sentences- Keep an eye out for when a sentence starts looking like the prologue of a book, a block of text is hardly a pleasant sight for anyone to see. Looks intimidating, and makes people want to click Alt+F4. Always look for ways to shorten your sentences.

  2. Make Your Writing Scannable-  Scannable means that someone can get the gist of what you want to say by simply scanning the entire page. This can be done by using bulleted lists, tables, and headers to break down the text and important information, making it easier for readers to focus on key points.

Writing is a great skill to master and like any other skill the more you do it the better you get, and having someone to give you input on the mistakes you make can double or triple your speed of improvement.

P.S. If you want me to go over your writing and make sure it ticks all the boxes mentioned above you can contact me by filling out this form.


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