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You Can Get This Wrong 99 Times Out Of 100.

Roberto Aceski

Updated: Sep 8, 2024

A lot of marketers start using this when they have no idea where to start with advertising. Can’t blame them, it’s something that we usually do in real-life situations.

We use it so much that I can guarantee that YOU have used it today. 

I’m talking about making people laugh.

Makes you feel good when people laugh and you like the attention when a joke hits. 

But in some situations, if the joke isn’t good you get ignored, or even worse instead of the joke they laugh at you. 

On the surface, humor seems like an easy way to get the attention of clients.

And it does, it also keeps their attention for a longer period. 

There is no fancy trick, just make them laugh at the start and you got 'em. Just like the oldest dating advice ever given which is “Make them laugh a lot”.

Now once they finish laughing they start taking their clothes off right? There is nothing else you need to do after that? 

Well here comes the tricky part.

Once you get your prospects laughing, would they buy from you?

Most of the time they won’t. Getting attention with humor doesn't always mean sales. 

How Can You Know to Use Humor in Your Ads?

It’s a tricky thing to pull off, there are a lot of things that need to be right to be able to make it work. 

Humor can be a huge asset when all the pieces are in place. Some of the best ads in the world use humor. 

If done correctly it can get amazing results. It’s a hidden weapon you keep in your arsenal for when you need it.

Funny and successful ads are made when you own the role when presenting the product. But 99 times out of 100 people will not remember or even see the thing you are selling. The only thing they will remember is how they laughed.

Now that’s the last thing we want to happen. It’s not something we want to risk. 

To avoid this happening we pivot.

Instead of the goal being to make people laugh. We sell to them, we talk about their problems, and give them a solution. 

That’s the fastest way to get someone to throw his credit card at the screen. 

We focus on selling, not on giggles. When the opportunity comes to use humor you will know what to do. 

At the end of the day, laughter doesn’t sell to people, selling to them does. 

Get in touch with us today and we will review your copy for free and see if it needs humor or more selling.

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